Why You Should Invest in Outsourcing Your Presentations

10 min readFeb 19, 2021

Outsourcing your presentations can change the way you use PowerPoint forever! It’s not only a fantastic tool for those looking to save time and focus on more crucial tasks. It’s also a way to make sure that your presentations will stand out from the crowd! Your PowerPoint presentation can play a key role in creating a positive impression on your audience. Professional PowerPoint designers will help you free precious time while getting outstanding presentations. A good PowerPoint will make sure that your audience remembers you long after the presentation is over.

Hiring a third-party provider to work on their PowerPoint presentations can be a bit of a daunting process. That’s why in this article, you will find a complete overview of what outsourcing PowerPoint design truly is. You’ll learn all, from how safe it is, to what to expect for a service like this, to how it works, and how much it costs. This way, you’ll be able to decide for yourself if outsourcing presentation design is a good option for you.

What is outsourcing?

In short, outsourcing is a business practice that consists of hiring third-party providers for specific tasks. All businesses have secondary processes or “hidden tasks” that are not directly related to their product’s field. For example, a construction company still needs legal advice. Design businesses still need accountants and administrators to run efficiently. All businesses have a primary production process that is directly related to the product or service they offer. But they also have collateral tasks that are necessary for the company to run smoothly.

But as necessary as these secondary tasks are, they can take time and resources away from your main production process. In many cases, these collateral assignments can even demand their own infrastructure, equipment, or expertise. The idea is that, by outsourcing these secondary tasks, you will be able to free time and resources and focus on what your business is really about. Like business philosopher Peter Drucker says, do what you do best and outsource the rest!

Third-party providers can become a key element in upgrading and increasing the efficiency of your business. According to Deloitte’s 2018 Global Outsourcing Survey, outsourcing is vital for boosting innovation as it makes technology and solutions accessible for all kinds of businesses.

What secondary tasks should you outsource?

Of course, the tasks a company can outsource depends on the company itself, its product, and its production process. But in general lines, Forbes magazine suggests that there are two main categories of tasks that are worth outsourcing.

Firstly, a great option for outsourcing is infrequent or uncommon tasks. Especially those that require particular or specific expertise, equipment, or resources. When deciding if outsourcing is a good option for you, it’s essential to consider if there’s any benefit from having an in-house employee working on that task. For highly specialized and infrequent tasks, the answer can many times be no! For example, many companies outsource paid ads. Outsourcing can be a great asset when it comes to jobs where you don’t need a full-time employee.

The second kind of task that you should outsource is repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Outsourcing more “general” tasks can also be an excellent option for freeing time from your hands. These are the kind of tasks that consume tons of precious time, but the expertise they require has very little to do with your actual business. Tasks that can easily become a waste of time for employees with more critical jobs on their hands. In short, you should outsource tasks anyone outside the company could do!

A great example of this is PowerPoint presentation design. You might be surprised by how much time an average employee spends working on PowerPoint presentations. According to our survey, the average executive spends at least 4 hours per week on PowerPoint presentations. While this might not sound as much, this equates to over 188 hours per year! And in salary terms, it will mean spending at least $8,500 on PowerPoint design!

Outsourcing PowerPoint design: upgrade your presentations

Hiring third-party services to work on PowerPoint design has become a common practice among businesses of types. And it’s no wonder why! Designing your own presentations can take much more time than expected. Taking your slides from the default all-white design to something that truly reflects your brand and conveys a professional image takes time and effort. The truth is, most of the employees are not trained to do PowerPoint design, even less in a time-efficient manner.

Outsourcing PowerPoint design is an excellent way to not only free time from your and your team’s hands. But also to receive an outstanding product that you wouldn’t be able to achieve by yourself. By outsourcing your presentations to PowerPoint design agencies, you’ll make sure that you stand in front of your audience with the best possible tool at your disposal. You can leave the design in the hands of the professionals and focus on what matters most!

Is outsourcing PowerPoint design safe? What if my presentation is confidential?

One of the main concerns regarding outsourcing is safety. A PowerPoint design is no exception! After all, there can be sensitive information concerning your company in the presentations they work in. While not every single PowerPoint presentation service provider is perfect, it’s not difficult to find good, reliable PowerPoint design services.

While hiring freelancers is very common for outsourcing, it’s no ideal from a security standpoint. Nowadays, there are many PowerPoint design agencies oriented to professional presentation design. In a serious design agency, you should be able to see their security and confidentiality policies. The right design agency will also be able to vouch for its designers and brand’s trustworthiness.

It’s vital that you research the PowerPoint design service you’re considering to ensure that your security and privacy are guaranteed. In conclusion, outsourcing PowerPoint design is as safe as the service provider you chose.

How do PowerPoint design services work?

For those who haven’t heard about outsourcing PowerPoint design, the idea of giving your presentations to someone else might be confusing. It’s actually very simple! PowerPoint design agencies work with expert designers that are used to professional and business-oriented presentations. They have all the experience necessary to make sure that your presentation conveys both your message and your brand as best as possible.

While every single outsourcing PowerPoint company is different, most follow a very similar process. Once you have your content ready, you need to send it to your PowerPoint design service provider or upload it into their platform. Depending on your design requirements, the presentation design agency will contact you and give you an estimated budget for you to approve. And once you accept, you can just relax and leave it all in the designers’ hands! You’ll receive a professional PowerPoint design according to the requirements you’ve set!

Here you can see a complete overview of the 24Slides outsourcing process. From how to submit an order to get your budget estimate. From giving feedback to receiving the perfect final product!

Outsourcing PowerPoint design options

When considering outsourcing PowerPoint presentation design, there are two main routes to go: freelancers and design agencies. Freelance designers are a good option for those looking for a quick fix to your problems or a specific presentation. Freelance designers usually work through individual arrangements. This means you should discuss the terms and conditions of the service, deadlines, what it includes, and the price beforehand. In order to give you a budget or a mockup, some freelancers might also require some sort of payment in advance. You can find all kinds of talented designers on freelance sites like Upwork.

However, most freelance designers will probably be more familiar with popular design programs like Illustrator and Photoshop. And as it has been said before, if your presentation’s content is confidential, freelance designers are not the best option to guarantee privacy security.

PowerPoint design agencies are the perfect alternative for those looking for both expertise and trustworthiness. The designers are trained to work with PowerPoint interface and layouts to create the best possible slides to convey your message perfectly. 24Slides, for example, works with a set team of designers who have experience working with businesses worldwide.

PowerPoint design agencies are also most likely to have set services and examples to make the budgeting process easier and faster. Plus, they’re more likely to have business-oriented services. For instance, for people who need a constant flow of PowerPoint slides, you can hire monthly subscription packages to get a dedicated team of designers. They’ll make sure to learn everything about your brand and your design preferences to make the design process more effective and cheaper!

What should you expect from a PowerPoint design service?

Every PowerPoint design agency is different. While some may work in the presentation’s content, in most cases, it is on you. Some work with animations and others don’t. However, there are some common things that you should rest assured a good PowerPoint design agency will give you:

-Trustworthiness: You must be able to trust your presentation design agency with your information. Otherwise, it’s no use! As it has been said before, you should research the privacy and security policies of any PowerPoint design outsourcing service you’re thinking of hiring.

- Custom designs: Of course, high-quality designs are a must. Otherwise, why pay for it? If you’re getting the same that what you would be getting with a template, it’s no worth it. The whole point of outsourcing presentation design is to get your slides to new highs and to make the most of your presentation design. A good PowerPoint design agency should be able to provide that!

- Dedicated customer service: Outsourcing is all about communication. It’s key that both you and your designer know exactly what you’re expecting. Giving feedback and making corrections is a necessary part of the process. That’s why it’s extra important to ensure that they ensure good communication and the ability to transmit your requirement to the designers.

You might also like: Top 5 Things to Look for When Choosing a Presentation Design Service.

How much professional PowerPoint design cost?

Outsourcing PowerPoint presentation design is not only for big companies! In truth, you might be surprised at how accessible professional presentation design services really are. There are professional PowerPoint design services for all ranges, all the way from $5,000 for a presentation to $9 per slide.

Of course, this highly depends on the agency, and the service offered. Some presentation design services provide a custom budget depending on the requirements. Others have a standard fee.

24Slides offers a hybrid system: there’s a fixed price per slide, but you can customize and select your own presentation cost depending on the date you want the product delivered, how many slides are in the presentation and how much effort you want to invest into them. There are three main treatments: Fix up, redesign and redraw.

- Fix up: Just like its name says, this is just a quick fix-up! It includes changing colors, getting your slide to fit the brand guidelines, fix the slides’ layout, and slide organization.

- Redesign: This option gives your slides a complete makeover. 24Slides designers will even add images and made custom icons to fit your presentation’s content. It’ll give your slides a unique layout that makes sure that your presentation stands out. And of course, it’ll make sure your presentation represents your brand perfectly!

- Redraw: This means making your slides from scratch! You can send our designers any kind of document or even a rough sketch, and you’ll receive back a custom PowerPoint slide with all your information.

This way, you can control how much you spend on PowerPoint design! The more effort needed and the more urgent it is, the pricer it’ll be. It’s all up to you!

Is outsourcing PowerPoint design a good option for you?

Hopefully, all this information will help you decide if you should outsource your presentation design. Hiring a third-party provider is a great way to free time from your hands. And the best things, that the final product you will receive will be even better than what you could do on your own.

PowerPoint design agencies have all the necessary experience and resources to take your presentation from ‘okay’ to ‘amazing’. PowerPoint can be a very underestimated tool. But it can do wonders to convey your message in a visually engaging way. Plus, it can play a key role in the impression your audience takes away. It can help you look more professional, convey creativeness and dedication, and make your brand truly unforgettable.

After you’ve decided on the treatment, the deadline, and the design style you want for your slides, all you need to do is relax and let the professionals do what they do best! If you’re still deciding if outsourcing PowerPoint design is the right option for you, you can always try out 24Slides services for just $1. Our designers will make sure to take your presentation to a completely new level!

Originally published at https://24slides.com on February 19, 2021.




We are a professional presentation design service. We create presentations from scratch or redesign them. We work with PowerPoint, Keynote, and Prezi.